Hair Transplant Guide

Hair Transplant Guide

What is a Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is a procedure of transplanting healthy hair follicles from one region of the scalp to another, generally the back or sides of the head.

The technique is used to treat both hereditary and hormonal hair loss, as well as hair loss caused by an accident or a more unusual disorder. Many men discover that having their hair transplanted may give them a more youthful look, enhancing their self-esteem and well-being.

A hair transplant should be performed by a professional and experienced surgeon. You will typically be given a local anaesthetic before the treatment to ensure that you do not experience any discomfort throughout the process.

What are the methods for Hair Transplants?

With the latest development in Hair Transplant Treatments in Turkey, there are 2 techniques has been used for regaining natural hair growth.
Fue Hair Transplant and DHI Hair Transplant. Lets look at these treatments, how they work, differences and which one you should go for

1- Fue Hair Transplant

In FUE hair transplantation, individual groups of 1 to 4 hair follicles, known as grafts, are manually harvested and stored in a solution. Then, after the extraction phase is complete, the doctor uses tiny blades to open the channels. These channels are the holes or slits through which the grafts are inserted. After opening the channels, the doctor takes the grafts from the solution and implants them in the recipient region.

Click here to find out FUE Hair Transplant in more details


2-DHI Hair Transplant

Using a special pen called a "choi pen," harvested hair follicles are planted immediately using this technique. After extracting the donor grafts, the tool can open the slit and insert the follicle into the balding area within seconds.

Sapphire hair transplantation is the latest development in FUE hair transplantation, wherein sapphire blades and microchannels are opened at the recipient site. Blades of sapphire are not made from genuine sapphire crystals, but rather from a single crystal of synthetic sapphire made from aluminium oxide.

What Is the Difference Between FUE and DHI?

The most significant distinction between DHI and FUE hair transplant treatments is how the grafts are implanted in the recipient area. For instance, with FUE hair transplantation, the channels must be opened prior to implantation so the surgeon can individually insert the extracted grafts.
However, DHI uses specialised equipment called as the Choi Implanter Pen, so the implantation phase may begin immediately after extraction, without the need to first make channels for the grafts.
In addition, Follicular unit extraction is a graft collection technique; in this procedure, micro-motor tools were used to open the slits where the hair was inserted into the canal, and the transplantation technique was called as FUE.

What are hair roots and grafts?

Hair root; This structure comprises the bottom section of the hair and is surrounded by hair-producing cells that are implanted in the fat tissue of the skull.

A graft is a tissue taken from the scalp that contains the hair follicles. Each transplant has a minimum of one and a maximum of four hair follicles. Grafts are extracted from the donor site and prepared for transplantation. Generally, how many grafts the patient need in the transplantation treatments is decided before to the transplantation. The amount of grafts to be implanted varies from patient to patient. Grafts are often removed from the neck area during hair transplantation procedure. Because hair loss in the neck area is very rare because to human genetic structure, this region is chosen as a donor.

How many grafts will be required?

The amount of grafts needed will vary depending on the level of baldness. In a hair transplant treatment, grafts are strips of skin containing healthy hair follicles that are extracted and transplanted to a bald region of the scalp. Following your hair analysis, our specialists will be able to inform you how many grafts you need to get the desired result.

Things to Consider Before Hair Transplant

  • Reduced alcohol intake one week before the surgery, or as much as feasible, will guarantee a good hair transplant operation and post-operative healing phase.
  • One week before the treatment, it is advised to avoid or reduce intake of caffeine/taurine-containing beverages such as coffee and energy drinks.
  • In terms of recovery, it is strongly advised to stop or reduce cigarette usage at least one week before the treatment.
  • It is suggested that people who take blood thinners (anticoagulants) tell their doctor and discontinue or lower the medicines according to the doctor's advice one week before the procedure.
  • It is suggested that people who take blood coagulation medicines tell their doctor and stop or lower the drugs one week before the procedure, according to their doctor's advice.
  • Those who have diabetes, high blood pressure, or any other chronic ailment should notify their doctor.
  • A maximum of one week before the procedure day, save for any doctor's advice; hair serum, hair gel, wax (hair polish), styling conditioner, tonic, and so on.
  • Put down your hair products.
  • Because the procedure is relatively long, it is recommended that you choose wide clothes that will not rub against your scalp while wearing/removing them on the day of the procedure, that you wear a shirt that does not fall off your neck, and that you dress comfortably and bring spare clothes with you.
  • If you want to take a vacation soon after the procedure, you must consult with your doctor and arrange for post-transplantation from the start.

Considerations Following a Hair Transplant

  • It is recommended that you avoid or limit the use of alcoholic beverages, caffeine-containing beverages, and energy drinks for one week after the treatment
  • Tobacco products such as cigarettes and cigars should be avoided or consumed in moderation for one week following the treatment.
  • It is not advisable to wash your hair for the first three days following the surgery unless your doctor has instructed you otherwise.
  • It is not advised to use the hot bath, sauna, steam room, or pool for the first three months, unless your doctor has instructed you otherwise after the treatment.
  • Extreme heat, cold, and humidity should be avoided, particularly during the first 15 days following the surgery.
  • Unless otherwise ordered by your doctor, it is suggested that you do not swim for 1.5 months following the treatment and that you shield the transplanted region from the sun for the first 3 months (not sunbathing, and also use protective creams and equipment if your doctor recommends).
  • Intense physical activity (cardio/fitness/heavy weight lifting/strength training, physical work, etc.) should be avoided during the first month after the treatment.
  • If you must engage in these activities during the first three months, do so with caution and under the supervision of your doctor.
  • It is advised not to engage in sexual activity for the first 15 days after the treatment
  • Many individuals naturally demonstrate the behaviour of managing the transplanted or donor region with their hands after hair transplantation.
  • This is a bad habit to get into, particularly in the first month.

Is Hair Transplant painful?

A local anaesthetic will be delivered before to any hair transplant treatments, which may be discomfort. This significantly reduces any pain experienced during therapy.

In our clinics, we provide the most recent hair transplant technology, including local anaesthesia pain can be removed. It is a completely painless treatment.

Why should you have hair transplant in Turkey?

Hair transplant prices are sometimes one of the main barriers to getting the treatment in the UK or EU, since they are generally paid by the quantity of grafts, which may rapidly add up, particularly if you want to treat a wider region.

As a result, many individuals contemplate obtaining hair transplants in Turkey since the prices are almost 70% lower than in the UK.

This is due to the lower cost of living in Turkey, as well as lesser administrative expenses for the business itself, allowing them to offer you a lower fee

The hair transplantation techniques used in Turkey are still equivalent to those used in in the UK.

First Wash After the Treatment

When washing your hair you need to careful not to pull out any transplanted hair or cause yourself any pain or bleeding. It is important to wash your hair after a hair transplant however to, reduce the risk of infection and remove any scabs, blood or crusts from the scalp. Your first wash will be done in the our clinics and our specialist will train you how you should be washing your hair for the following 10 days of the treatment.

Type Anaesthesia used for Hair Transplant

The following are the administration methods of anaesthetic drugs related to a painless hair transplant procedure:

Regional anaesthesia : Regional anaesthesia is the technique of numbing a particular portion of the body to ease the pain. Regional anaesthesia, like a general anaesthetic, is not utilised in hair transplant surgery.

Local anaesthetic is the most often utilised kind of anaesthesia in hair transplant surgeries. A local anaesthetic may be delivered by needle-free jet injection (high-pressure diffusion) or the classic injection approach.

Sedation: Among other uses, sedation is the most pleasant procedure. It may be administered by inhalation or vascular access put via the arm. The capacity to regulate the amount of sedation according to the patients' requirements and, via continuous monitoring, the ability to diminish its impact whenever required contributes to a greater sense of comfort. Because newborns may be sedated, this approach is regarded to be quite safe.

General anaesthesia : When it comes to anaesthetics used in a hair transplant process, general anaesthesia is hardly ever used.